
Shane Battier, NBA (Memphis Grizzlies)
Tom Brady, NFL (New England Patriots)
Matt Bullard, NBA (Houston Rockets)
Dom Capers, NFL head coach (Houston Texans)
Bill Cartwright, NBA (former player and coach)
Chris DeMarco, PGA
Dale Earnhardt, Sr., NASCAR (former)
Dale Earnhardt, Jr., NASCAR
Morgan Ensberg, MLB (Houston Astros)
Darin Erstad, MLB (LA Angels of Anaheim)
Lou Gehrig, MLB (former NY Yankee)
Dale Jarrett, NASCAR
Ned Jarrett, NASCAR (former)
Calle Johansson, NHL (Washington Capitals)
Tom Landry, NFL (former Dallas Cowboys head coach)
Carmelo Martinez, MLB
Luis Matos, MLB (Baltimore Orioles)
Paul Molitor, Baseball Hall of Fame
Andy North, PGA
Gregg Olson, former MLB
Lute Olson, NCAA Basketball coach (University of Arizona)
Hank Peters, MLB (former GM of Orioles and Indians)
John Scheirholz, MLB (Atlanta Braves GM)
Jerry Seeman, NFL head referee
Terry Steinbach, MLB (Minnesota Twins)
Gary Suter, NHL
John Vambiesbrouck, NHL (Philadelphia Flyers)
Duffy Waldorf, PGA
Bruce Weber, NCAA Basketball coach (University of Illinois)
Dave Winfield, Baseball Hall of Fame
Danny Wuerffel, NFL (Washington Redskins)
Television News and Sports:
Troy Aikman, Fox Sports
Dick Bremer, Minnesota Twins announcer
Jack Cafferty, CNN
Gretchen Carlson, Fox News Channel
Mary Hart, Entertainment Tonight
Donna Kelley, CNN
Verne Lundquist, CBS Sports
Lisa Malosky, NBC Sports
Pat O'Brien, "The Insider" host
Jane Robelot, CBS News
Orion Samuelson, WGN-TV, WGN-Radio
John Scott, NBC News
Susan Spencer, CBS News
Michelle TaFoya, CBS Sports
Dana Carvey, commedian
Kirsten Dunst, actor
Paul "Ace" Frehley, rock musician "KISS"
Annabeth Gish, actor, "The X Files"
David Hasselhoff, actor, recoding artist
Marty Haugen, composer
Felicity Huffman, actor "Desperate Housewives"
Kris Kristofferson, actor/singer
Lyle Lovett, singer
William H. Macy, actor
Peter Mayer, Jimmy Buffet band
Jim Mayer, Jimmy Buffet band
John Mellencamp, musician
Mary-Kate Olsen, actress
Ashley Olsen, actress
Ann-Margret Olsson, actress and singer
Christopher Orr, actor "The Mighty Ducks"
Frances Williams Preston, president and CEO of Broadcast Music Inc. (BMI)
Andy Richter, comedian
Kevin Sorbo, actor "Hercules" and "Andromeda"
Sally Struthers, actress "Gilmore Girls"
Bruce Willis, actor
John Woo, film director
Johann Christoph Bach
Johann Sebastian Bach
Karl Philipp Emanuel Bach
Wilhelm Friedemann Bach
Georg Friedrich Handel
Hans Christian Andersen, author
Theodor Geisel "Dr. Seuss", children's author
Gary Larsen, "The Far Side" comics
John Updike, author
Linda Ahlers, Dayton Hudson, President
Bradbury Anderson, Best Buy, CEO
Robert Cade, inventor of Gatorade
Doris Christopher, the Pampered Chef, CEO
Craig Culver, founder of Culver's Frozen Custard
Steve Jobs, Apple Computers co-founder
Ed Kruse, Blue Bell Creameries, CEO
James M. Lilts, Gillette, CEO
Alfred Schwan, Schwan Foods, CEO
Diane Thromodsgard, U.S. Bank, President of Corporate Trust
Victor Langford, US ARMY General & Chaplain
John Moellering, US ARMY General
Don Muchow, former NAVY chief of chaplains
Norman Schwartzkoph, US ARMY General
Russ Trower, former NAVY chief of chaplains
John Bolton, US Ambassador to the United Nations
William Rehnquist, former US Supreme Court Chief Justice)
US House Current:
Douglas Bereuter (R), Nebraska (1st District)
Sherrod Brown (D), Ohio (13th District)
Lois Capps (D), California (23rd District)
John Carter (R), Texas (31st District)
Norman Dicks (D), Washington (6th District)
Darlene Hooley (D), Oregon (5th District)
Ron Kind (D), Wisconsin (3rd District)
Tom Latham (R), Iowa (5th District)
Zoe Lofgren (D), California (16th District)
Jim Nussle (R), Iowa (2nd District)
Doug Ose (R), California (3rd District)
Michael Oxley (R), Ohio (4th District)
Collin Peterson (D), Minnesota (7th District
Thomas Petri (R), Wisconsin (6th District)
Dave Reichert (R), Washington (8th District)
Martin Sabo (D), Minnesota (5th District)
John Shimkus (R), Illinois (19th District)
Bill Shuster (R), Pennsylvania (9th District)
Charles Stenholm (D), Texas (17th District)
US Senate Current:
Conrad Burns (R), Montana
Byron Dorgan (D), North Dakota
Ernest (Fritz) Hollings (D) South Carolina
Tim Johnson (D), South Dakota
Other Notables:
Rev. Dietrich Bonhoeffer, resistance fighter WWII

