Lutherans in the USA

Publishing Houses

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Where Lutherans Get Published


Augsburg Fortess Publishing House is the official publishing house of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.  It is headquartered in Minneapolis, Minnesota.  It publishes The Lutheran magazine and the Lutheran Book of Worship (or LBW).
Augsburg Fortress was founded after the American Lutheran Church (Augsburg Publishing House)-Lutheran Church in America (Fortress Press) merger of 1988.


Concordia Publishing House (or CPH) is the official publishing house of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod and is headquartered in St. Louis, Missouri.  It publishes The Lutheran Witness magazine and the Lutheran Worship hymnal.  CPH is the largest distinctive Lutheran publishing house in the world and is the oldest publishing house west of the Mississippi River.  It was founded in 1869.
The chances are that if you order any Lutheran book, you will get it from CPH.


Northwestern Publishing House is the official publisher of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod.  It is headquarted in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and was founded in 1891.  It's mission is to publish and provide biblically sound material that communicates, fosters and supports the Christian faith and life.

Don't Forget To Read The Book of Concord.
